Thursday, September 16, 2010

32. Fast

I am now back in San Francisco. I have transferred to Saybrook University, a place which I think is much more in line with my interests and proclivities. I am currently doing courses in The Psychology of Shamanism, Eastern Psychology and The Psychology of Conflict Resolution. I have the familiar and exciting September-start-of-a-new-academic-year feeling.

In keeping with this sense of renewal, I have decided to lay off psychotropic experimentation for a while. I realise I didn't get very far over the summer, at least not with Ayahuasca, but I don't feel there is any rush.

Since I have been experimenting with putting things into my body, it crossed my mind that maybe I should try not putting anything into my body. While reading about meditation practices, it dawned on me that I have never deliberately fasted. So, tomorrow morning I intend to begin a three day fast. No solids, no juices, only water. I am intrigued to see what happens.

A Jewish friend of mine pointed out that my fast happens to coincide exactly with Yom Kippur. Synchronicity?

Watch this space.